Corporate Karaoke Holiday Christmas Party

Zuma Karaoke Party

I DJ’d and Hosted Karaoke for a Real Estate Law Firms Holiday Office Party at Zuma last week. If you’re not familiar with Zuma it’s an enormous, upscale Asian Fusion Restaurant on Madison Ave in New York City with an amazing staff and superior food. This was not a large party and when i arrived i was hoping i could get the 25 or so guests participating in Karaoke Singing for the three hours i was there. I turned the TV (with the karaoke words) toward the large table they were eating at and put on songs that they could sing along to with me. That lasted exactly two songs and we were off to the races. Here is the first solo guest song of the party..”Chantilly Lace” by the Big Bopper!

Zuma Karaoke Party

I was so glad that every guest (25) sang at least one song with the majority of the songs performed by groups of 3 or more. The guests all wanted to sing so much there was only about 15 minutes of hard core dancing to DJ music and then back again to the Karaoke.

karaoke nyc

When i am hosting karaoke i am a facilitator and on many parties guests allow me to choose songs for them during the night as i did here. It works out very, very well. I even got the reluctant owner of the firm up singing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra!  It was very entertaining and the guests loved it.

Zuma Karaoke NYC

The last song of the night was the perfect one for this group. Everyone sang and then chanted “one more song”, “one more song”….lol. This group was so responsive and fun i felt i could’ve easily DJ’d another few hours.