Karaoke DJ at Bat Mitzvah

Karaoke and Disc Jockey at NYC Bat Mitzvah

The Manhattan Penthouse hosted Sadie’s Bat Mitzvah the other day and Expressway Music provided the entertainment. Mainly, DJ, Karaoke, Sports games, our dancer Sean and photo booth. Look how much fun the kids were having in the following videos. During Dance breaks dj Dave filled in with Karaoke (of which the kids could not get enough).

Later on the Adults joined the kids in their room for dancing and singing.

Our Dancer/Assistant Sean filled in by helping kids sign up for the karaoke, lead dances and more.

Here is a photo of DJ Dave’s Karaoke and DJ Set up

dj set up with view of NYC

Thank you so much to Sadie and her family for having us provide the entertainment for her Bat mitzvah. We had a great time with you and your guests!