This past month we have been hired by large corporations to assist them in their Team Building Exercises. For each of the following events we started with a contest where each group was judged on how well they performed together as a group (and other factors). After the contest the floor was opened for Karaoke and Dancing!
Team Building at The Fishbowl (Dream Hotel Midtown)
The next video is a Team Building Dinner DJ Dave DJ’d at Mr. Chow in Tribeca
Here is DJ Dave Swirsky’s DJ and Karaoke set up (includes Bose speakers, 6 wireless microphones, tv monitor on stand and more)

Even if you are not doing a Team Building, karaoke is a great way for employees to blow of steam and have a great time. Our KJ’s are experts at DJ/Karaoke combos and getting everyone involved without forcing it at all.

If you are having any time of event and would like a very inclusive activity that is run by expert Pro’s contact us! We would love to work with you!